O-Ring Design with Jehbco: Sneak Peek
O-Rings are an extremely common and effective seal, consisting of a rubber ring with a circular profile, which is pressed into a rectangular groove or gland. Most applications can use a standard, off-the-shelf o-ring, but for those special applications that need a non-standard o-ring, here at Jehbco we can manufacture a custom o-ring perfect for the task.
Several standards exist for o-ring design, the most common being AS5857. These standards simplify design of o-ring seals, giving dimensions for both the rectangular gland and the o-ring itself. But some applications require a non-standard o-ring – very large seals, seals for existing non-standard glands and seals for non-rectangular glands, for example. When the seal is non-standard, the design is a nightmare – working out the gland size, the seal size, checking the seal squeeze and fit all require many design iterations and physical tests. Here at Jehbco, we’re working to simplify the design process with our in-house o-ring design software.

Figure-1 Testing our face seal designs with Jehbco Silicones
We are conducting physical tests of our automated o-ring designs, to ensure that the values our software gives work in the real world. Of course, new designs will still require physical testing, but we aim to reduce the number of test iterations required to produce the final design, and eliminate all the tedious hand calculations required for non-standard o-ring designs.

Figure-2 A sneak peek of our o-ring design software with Jehbco Silicones
Our software is still under development, but stay tuned for more news as we put our design software into service. For more information on our products and services, review our website www.jehbco.com.au and contact us with any questions.