• 24 William St, Brookvale NSW 2100
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 17:00

The Stress / Strain Curve

Jehbco’s pure silicone extrusions are used in a wide range of applications, from aircraft seals to sea water piping gaskets.  These applications present a wide range of operating conditions that our silicone must work under, and Jehbco works with our customers to ensure the best silicone product is chosen for your application.

In order to determine the best silicone for your application, we must be able to measure the performance of our silicone.  A range of material properties are tested to describe how our silicone will perform under different conditions.  Several of these properties are measured using a stress/strain curve.

The stress/strain curve

The stress/strain curve

The stress/strain curve is created by stretching a piece of silicone and measuring both the force required to stretch the silicone (tensile force) and how much it stretches (elongation).  The silicone is stretched until it breaks.  Since the silicone samples being stretched can be different sizes, the tensile force and elongation measurements are corrected.  Tensile force is divided by the cross sectional area of the silicone to get stress and elongation is divided by the original length of the silicone to get strain.  Stress is plotted on the y-axis and strain is plotted on the x-axis to get a stress/strain curve.   An example stress/strain curve is shown  below.

From the stress/strain curve, we can determine several important mechanical properties that tell us how the silicone behaves.  The modulus of the silicone tells us how stiff the silicone is, or how hard it is to stretch.  This is measured by calculating the slope of the first part of the stress/strain curve.  Stiff silicones will have a very steep curve, while softer silicones will have a shallower curve.

The tensile strength of the silicone is the amount of stress, or normalised force, needed to break the silicone.  This is easily read off the stress/strain curve – it is the stress at the very end of the curve, where the silicone breaks.

To ensure our product works as required, it is important that properties such as modulus and tensile strength are right for the application.  Jehbco has in-house facilities for generating stress/strain curves, to help us tailor the right product for your application.


For any help with your application please review the Jehbco website www.Jehbco.com.au, and contact us with any questions.

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Measuring Sealing Force

Measuring Sealing Force

Seals are used to prevent the ingress of fluid or particles in a wide range of mechanical applications.  Applications vary from traffic light enclosures to hydraulic mining equipment, fluids range from seawater to DOT brake fluid and pressures range from a couple of kilopascals to hundreds of megapascals. While some applications have been standardised, many seals require individual design.  Jehbco manufactures custom silicone extrusions for a range of non-standard sealing applications.

Seal performance is influenced by a number of factors.  These include:

  • The nature of the fluid being sealed, whether it be liquid or gas;
  • The condition of the sealing surfaces and presence of any grooves or roughness;
  • Materials;
  • Geometry;
  • Force exerted on the sealing surfaces.

This last factor, sealing force, is useful not only in estimating performance, but is essential for proper design of the sealing system.  For example, in a gasket system (Figure 1), sealing force is exerted on the gasket by a series of bolts.  To design the bolting system, the designer must know the force required to compress the gasket and form a seal.


Figure 1: A gasketted flanged pipe joint.

Figure 1: A gasketted flanged pipe joint.


Sealing force is often determined through guesswork and expensive in-field testing.  Jehbco are breaking this mould by developing custom tooling to measure force on our sealing products.  With these tools, Jehbco will be able to provide our customers with accurate estimates of sealing force required under specific conditions – for example, the force required to compress an o-ring by 20%, or the force exerted by a seal on an expansion joint when the joint is 10 mm wide.  Jehbco aims to use these tools to enhance your design processes so we can more quickly produce a silicone extrusion that meets your sealing requirements.

For more information on silicone seals and assistance, please contact us at Jehbco.

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Exploring Silicone Rubber “Blooming”

Providing a unique balance of the chemical and mechanical properties required by many of today’s more demanding industrial requirements; Silicone Rubber continues to excel in many applications from architecture to healthcare.

“Blooming” refers to the milky discoloration or white powder caused by the migration of compounds to the surface of the rubber. The presence of by-products or excess compounds can cause blooming, affecting both the functionality and aesthetics of the silicone rubber. Depending on the application, utmost purity and cleanliness of materials are essential, i.e. healthcare applications, or material aesthetics become a major material selection driving force, i.e. architecture design applications.

Exploring Silicone Rubber “Blooming”

Exploring Silicone Rubber “Blooming”

Most silicone rubber, among other silicone products, are derived from the same chemical starting material and are later differentiated. Depending on the application, tailored silicone rubber properties can be achieved through various mechanisms, such as the addition of fillers, functional fluids, and curing agents.

Curing; an essential process as to convert silicone rubber to solid from its highly-adhesive gel or liquid uncured state, is normally achieved in a catalyst-driven two-stage process; at the point of manufacture into the desired shape, and further in a prolonged post-cure process.

The choice of the catalyst system, either addition or peroxide, significantly affects the production of by-products. Addition curing system, i.e. platinum-based catalyst, the curing occurs with no byproducts, while peroxide-based curing system leaves behind byproducts, which can be an issue in food and medical applications. Both the solubility of any added fillers or agents, along with the presence of byproducts developed during curing, influence what is known as ‘Blooming’. Generally, each curing method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and based on the required end-product material properties, an optimised design selection is selected.

Accordingly, it is essential to select a reputable silicone manufacturer known for their high grades of raw materials and silicone expertise (we meet these requirements at Jehbco). By tailoring the process design per application, silicone can meet and exceed blooming and other requirements.

Overall, blooming can be influenced by the presence of added-materials to the silicone for enhanced properties and/or processability, along with the byproducts developed during the curing process.

For any help with your application, please review the Jehbco website www.jehbco.com.au, and contact us with any questions

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Fire resistance, thermal degradation and heat stabilisers – what do all of these mean?

Silicone rubber has an outstanding reputation for being a reliable, durable construction material with a higher melting point and ignition point than other common polymers such as PP and PVC. These properties make silicone an excellent choice of material for use in high temperature applications. A handful of silicone manufacturers, including here at Jehbco, can enhance the high temperature performance of silicone rubber by including fire resistant additives or heat stabilisers in the silicone manufacturing process. But how do these additives affect the final silicone product, and in which applications should they be used?

When silicone rubber is exposed to high temperature environments for extended periods, as expected in automotive, refrigeration and certain electrical applications, they will lose their elasticity and flexibility, becoming brittle before ultimately tearing. In industry, this is measured by the high temperature exposure time required for the rubber to lose one half of its standard elongation at room temperature. Typically, general silicone rubber can be used indefinitely at temperatures below 150oC, for 1000 hours at temperatures around 200oC and for short periods of time at 350oC and above before breaking. Traditional heat stabilisers such as cerium oxide or titanium dioxide inhibit silicone oxidation, which slows the degradation process by over 100 orders of magnitude. This helps preserve the elasticity and elongation and increase the lifetime of the silicone product.


Fire resistance, thermal degradation and heat stabilisers

Fire resistance, thermal degradation and heat stabilisers


When exposure to fire or temperatures around silicone’s autoignition point (>450oC) becomes a possibility, then the products’ resistance to thermal degradation and fire resistance need to be considered.  Resistance to thermal degradation refers to the initial ignition point of the material and describes how the rubber will behave when exposed to radiated heat. This is best pictured by thinking of a piece of silicone in a room with a very high temperature. The ability of silicone to withstand igniting at this elevated temperature is its resistance to thermal degradation, and can be quantified under standards such as the AS 1530.3 and EN 45545 standards. These standards measure the temperature and time taken to ignite, the smoke released from the material, time taken to extinguish and amount of heat released during combustion. Which of these measurements is most relevant will vary depending on application. Flame or fire resistance typically refers to the behavior of silicone when directly exposed to a flame. This is frequently standardised using the UL 94 test which measures how long the sample will take to ignite, and how long it takes to extinguished after being immersed in a hot flame. Additives can be used to influence the way silicone combusts in extreme temperatures or in contact with flame, including a variety metal hydroxides which release water vapour upon combustion to cool the subsequent flame, and other additives being developed and tested at Jehbco.

With all this in mind, deciding which blend of additives to use for any application can be difficult. Jehbco offers a unique range of fire additives and expertise in manufacturing fire resistant silicones that are can be custom engineered to suit most specific applications. Many of Jehbco’s existing products are already certified under various international fire safety standards to ensure peace of mind.  For more information about heat stabilisers and fire additives, please visit our website and contact us with any questions.

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Silicone Hardness and Shore Durometer

Jehbco’s silicone extrusions are used in a wide range of applications, from aircraft seals to medical grade tubing.  To make sure you have the right silicone for your application, the application requirements have to be closely matched to the silicone properties.  There are many material properties that may affect our silicone’s performance in your application.  One of the most important properties is hardness or “durometer”.

The hardness of a material refers to how easily the material resists deformation under compression.  Put more simply, if something is pressed against the surface of a material, hardness tells us how easily the material is deformed or marked.   Depending on the material, there are several standard tests that can be used to determine hardness.  Metals are often tested using the Vickers or Rockwell procedures – these press a small tool into the surface of the metal under a standard load and measure the size of the resulting mark.

For elastomers such as silicone, hardness is measured using the Shore Durometer test.  This test measures the depth that a small cone can be pressed into the surface of the silicone.  The depth that the cone sinks into the silicone is converted to a value on the Shore Durometer scale.  The cone sinks deeper into soft silicones and these have a low value on the scale.  If the silicone is hard, the cone doesn’t sink very far and the value on the Shore scale is high.


Silicone hardness and the Durometer Scale with Jehbco Silicones

Silicone hardness and the Durometer Scale with Jehbco Silicones


There are several variations of the Shore Durometer test for different types of elastomers.  The most common are Shore Durometer A for soft elastomers and Shore Durometer D for hard elastomers.  Each test gives a hardness value from 0 to 100.  The Shore A test is generally used to measure the hardness of Jehbco silicones – most of our silicones fall between 25 and 80 Duro Shore A.  Jehbco has equipment to test Shore hardness to the ASTM D2240 standard.

To get an idea of what the different hardness scales mean, 25 Duro silicone can be easily compressed with your fingers – think of the rubber that rubber bands are made of.  80 Duro silicone is much harder to compress, more like the rubber in a shoe sole.

To ensure that the silicone you choose for your application performs as required, it must have the right durometer.  For applications such as vacuum sheeting, a low durometer might be just right, while gaskets may require a medium to high durometer.  Jehbco can tailor a silicone material to the durometer required for your application.

For any further questions about how durometer will affect your application please contact our sales team.


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Silicone Tear Strength

Silicone Tear Strength

Jehbco’s extruded silicone products are used in a multitude of application areas, and we have a range of silicone grades to suit every application.

When selecting a silicone grade for your application, it is essential to determine the tear strength required.  Tear strength measures a material’s ability to resist failure by tearing.  For polymers such as silicone, this is determined by measuring the speed of growth of existing cracks when the material is placed under tension.  This is measured in Newtons of tensile force per millimetre of product thickness.  Tear strength not only measures how easily a material will fail by tearing when placed under load, but provides an indication of the abrasion and wear resistance of the material.

If the tear strength is lower than required, silicone can suffer from wear and form cracks and tears.  Applications such as piping in the food and beverage industries, gaskets, seals and vacuum blankets require silicone free from wear and cracks.  In the best case, cracks and tears will reduce the product longevity.  In the worst case, these cracks and tears can cause product failure, leakage and damage to other parts of the system.


Figure 1: Jehbco high tear silicone sheeting for vacuum blankets.

Figure 1: Jehbco high tear silicone sheeting for vacuum blankets.


By selecting a silicone with sufficient tear strength, the danger of product failure can be avoided.  A good first step in determining the tear strength required for your application is to look at similar applications and the tear strength of the materials used, measured in N/mm.  Jehbco produce a range of silicones with different tear strengths to suit many applications.

Tear strength is an important material property and Jehbco can tailor a silicone product to the tear strength requirements of your application.  For any help with your application please review the Jehbco website www.Jehbco.com.au, and contact us with any questions.

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Coefficient of Friction of Silicone Extrusions

Friction is the force opposing movement when two materials make contact.  Knowledge of friction is essential for many of our customers’ applications:

  • it determines forces in moving systems such as O’Rings seals,
  • it describes the ability of a seal to remain in place without adhesive
  • it affects the compression of a gasket when pressed between two metal surfaces.
Figure 1: Friction force on a block

Figure 1: Friction force on a block

Figure illustrates the frictional force on a block resting on an incline.  Gravity pushes the block down the incline, and friction opposes this force.  Friction is a phenomenon that is still not understood completely, and frictional force cannot be calculated using any theoretical equation – it must be measured directly for the system of interest.  A surprising and useful empirical result is that frictional force depends only on the force pushing materials together and not on their area of contact.  This is because friction is due to atomic contact between surfaces. The area of atomic contact is very small and depends above all upon the force between surfaces, not their areas.

The coefficient of friction is the ratio of friction force to normal force.  Most material combinations show two types of friction – a strong frictional force when the materials are not sliding (static friction), and a weaker force when they are sliding (kinetic friction).  Different methods are used to measure each type of friction.

To measure the static coefficient of friction, the two materials can be tilted (as in Figure 1) until one of the materials begins to slide.  The static coefficient of friction is the tangent of the angle of tilt when the materials start sliding.

Measuring the kinetic coefficient of friction is more involved, and requires careful measurement of the force required to keep two materials sliding at a constant speed.  Many test rigs have been designed for this.  The most important factor is that the test conditions match application conditions as closely as possible to ensure results are relevant to the application.

Jehbco have developed in-house testing procedures and facilities to measure the coefficient of friction in customer applications.  If friction is important in your application, we can tailor a test to your application conditions and give detailed information on the performance of our products.

For any help with your application please review the Jehbco website www.Jehbco.com.au, and contact us with any questions.

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Cured Silicone Extrusion for Expansion Joint Sealing

Waterproofing is fundamental in construction.  Buildings are designed to give shelter – this means keeping wind and water out.  The most difficult and important job of cladding and roofing is to prevent water entering the building.  Jehbco produce sealing products that make waterproofing of claddings simple.

One of the difficulties in cladding large buildings is thermal expansion.  Temperature variations cause cladding panels to expand and contract.  If the panels are too large or their movement is restricted, this will cause the panels to warp and buckle.  This issue is generally solved by using small gaps which give the structure the freedom to expand and contract.  These gaps between panels are termed expansion joints.  To ensure the cladding system is waterproof, these expansions joints must be filled with a seal that is able to absorb the expansion and contraction of the joint whilst preventing water from entering.


Cured Silicone Extrusion for Expansion Joint Sealing

Cured Silicone Extrusion for Expansion Joint Sealing


In Australia, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) requires building cladding systems to adhere to AS4284: Testing of building façades.  This ensures that buildings in Australia meet minimum requirements for strength and waterproofing.

Leaks in building façades are a serious issue.  If water enters the building’s outer layer, it can cause damage to insulation, electrical and ventilation systems, wall linings and belongings.  This damage can cost millions of dollars and be very difficult to repair.

Compliance with AS4284 ensures building façades will not leak and expensive damage and repair is avoided.  Expansion joints are one of the most difficult areas to seal and make AS4284 compliant.  At an expansion joint, there is a natural gap for water to enter.  The gap expands and contracts, meaning any seal has to be flexible enough to seal a range of gap widths.

Jehbco silicone extrusion profiles, designed for façade waterproofing, have passed AS4284 certification for use in building façades.  These profiles are pre-cured silicone products, able to expand and contract to seal expansion joints through a range of gap widths.  They are easy-to-install, aesthetically pleasing expansion joint seals which eliminate the hassle and mess of wet seals whilst ensuring AS4284 compliant waterproofing to protect your building.

Jehbco can tailor a facade sealing solution to your construction application. For any help with your application please review the Jehbco website www.Jehbco.com.au, and contact us with any questions.

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Jehbco’s Carbon Footprint

Jehbco is committed to reduce our carbon footprint and making our products more sustainable. This is achieved by ensuring that there is minimal waste in the production process as well as ensuring that are products are made to last. Silicone is made of readily made resources and is a more environmentally friendly and sustainable option than more damaging products to the environment.

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Silicone Extrusions in Aviation

Silicone’s excellent properties and versatile nature make it a valuable material in aviation.  Silicone is able to operate under a wide range of conditions and Jehbco produces customised mixes of 100% silicone materials to meet varied specialised design requirements.

Jehbco’s silicone design and manufacturing capabilities provide light weight, easy to use silicone extrusion products which are an ideal choice for aircraft interior applications such as cabin floor and ceiling panels, baggage compartments and galleys. Silicone materials can conform to national and international standards for aircraft fire safety due to silicone’s fire retardant nature.

Jehbco’s silicone extrusions are able to provide a strong seal over a large pressure differential, making then a good choice for aircraft door and window seals.  In addition, silicone has an extremely wide range of operating temperatures, from -50 ℃ to 230 ℃, and is UV and ozone resistant, making it suitable for sealing applications on external surfaces and for gaskets in engine and power plant systems. Silicone’s high dielectric strength (typically ⩾ 200 MV/m) makes it suitable for flexible electrical insulation. Additionally, Jehbco’s extrusions can be made to meet higher or lower temperature resistance and conductivity requirements that exceed the industry standards for general silicone extrusions.


Silicone Extrusions for Aviation and Aircraft Applications with Jehbco Silicones

Silicone Extrusions for Aviation and Aircraft Applications with Jehbco Silicones


For applications in confined spaces requiring minimal outgassing, Jehbco is able to produce Controlled Volatility (CV) silicone extrusions. These products are engineered to meet industry standards for low VOC.

The strength of adhesion between silicone and fibreglass resins such as polyester and epoxy is low making Jehbco extrusions an ideal product for fiberglass moulding.

Fluorosilicones for Fuel Applications

Traditional silicone materials exhibit low resistance to hydrocarbon fuels.  However, with the addition of fluoro groups, our silicone’s excellent mechanical properties are combined with high hydrocarbon resistance.  Jehbco’s fluoro silicones have the same high range of operating temperatures, insulation and fire retardant properties as regular silicone.  In addition, fluoro silicones are resistant to damage from common aviation fuels.  This combination of properties has made fluoro silicone a very popular material choice for gasket and O-rings applications in aircraft fuel systems and systems using fire-resistant hydrocarbon hydraulic fluids.

To learn more about Jehbco’s custom engineered silicone extrusions, Contact Our Sales Team.

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