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Bubbling and Unevenness of the Surface with Liquid Seal

The factors that extremely influence the service life of the installed sealant are its durability properties that include but not limited to the adhesion of a sealant to specific substrates and its aging characteristics, to withstand among others ultra-violet radiation, temperature, cyclic joint movement, moisture, bio-degradation, and movement during curing.

The liquid portion of the sealer evaporates after it transport onto the surface of the concrete’s solid portion due to most sealers with less than 100% solids either dry’s or cures. Fast solvent evaporation or immediate bubble formation occur as trapped solvent cannot evaporate into the atmosphere due to Low-VOC solvents evaporate quickly at the surface.

Outgassing, air in the void structures warms then expands because of concrete surfaces containing many capillaries and pores. Sealer that is still in a phase of malleability can “blow a bubble” under this pressure or expansion, commonly in deep recesses and joints. If the wet coating is too thick or over applied, it will trap solvent as the surface skins over.

Solar Energy, with no pressure a surface is warmer in the sunlight, increasing bubble formation. What is interesting is that an air movement, when a brisk wind can skin over a sealer faster than high temperatures, trapping solvent beneath the surface. Moreover, entrapped solvents cause the sealer to remain elastic for extended periods, making it more prone to delayed bubble formation.


Black Quickjoint Solid Gap Extrusion being Installed – Jehbco Silicones

Network Architectural


Having a good understanding of joint design, performance needed, substrates to be sealed, and the economic costs involved in the installation and maintenance of a joint sealant are also important in the proper application of a sealant and not only choosing a material with appropriate physical and chemical properties.

Properties of the sealant are at the same time determining factors that influence its performance in a joint that include modulus of elasticity, tear strength, its stress or strain recovery characteristics and fatigue resistance.

Jehbco’s solid silicone extrusions being used in expansion joints seals to prevent water, air and other environmental elements from entering or exiting buildings. They are specifically designed to provide water-proof protection that last long and at the same time with intense ability to withstand heat.

Often compared to wet sealants, solid silicone extrusion are installed faster and easier, eliminating the “Backing Rod an Filling With Sealant Technique” as a requirement for expansion joints seals, longer usability advantage with outstanding capability to withstand any types of weather conditions & UV that can get variety of colours for different applications.

To find out why Jehbco silicone rubber is the best sealant to avoid bubbling and unevenness on the sealed surface, browse the website and Contact Us right here.


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The Strong Composition and Low Reactivity of Jehbco Pure Silicone

Jehbco pure silicones are rubber-like and typically heat-resistant; used variety of application such as medical, food, pharmaceutical for waterproofing or insulation for thermal and electrical.

A chemist looking at a test tube

The silicone structure silicones, as otherwise known to chemists has a structure resembling quartz modified with organic groups. They are consisting of an “inorganic” backbone built up of alternating oxygen and silicon atoms. The other two bonds of the silicon atoms are responsible for silicones’ semiorganic nature and are occupied with organic groups. Jehbco pure silicone strong composition is proven due to its silicon-oxygen bond energy that is significantly greater than that of a carbon-carbon bond. That is making the silicones stable and able to resist various influences.

Jehbco pure silicones have remarkable thermal resistance and are able to excellently resist fire and rusting caused by heat. In comparison to organic plastics, Jehbco pure silicones are also far less readily attacked by electromagnetic and particle radiation (UV, alpha, beta and gamma rays). The fact about Jehbco pure silicone’s low reactivity has been continuously proven when at room temperature, in all modifications does not react with most other substances and is almost inert.

Silica is chemically very stable even at moderately high temperatures. Because of that fused quartz (silica glass) is widely used for chemical apparatus, as well as to avoid catalytic reactions of the metal cations in ordinary glass. Not only is the very strong silicon-oxygen bond of silica, the reason for its low reactivity but also its macromolecular structure. Quartz generally will not be attacked by acids, because of its being the anhydrite of an acid itself.

Jehbco pure silicones are resistant to mineral oil, acetone, and fairly dilute solutions of inorganic acids and bases as shown by their chemical resistances. They are attacked by concentrated solutions of strong acids and bases, and by gasoline. Before these reactions will precede high concentrations of hydronium or hydroxide ions, for instance concentrated solutions of strong acids and bases are needed. These explain the stability of Jehbco pure silicones to dilute solutions of inorganic acids and bases. Whereas, the organic elastomers studied show moderate to very good resistance to acids and alkalies.

To learn more about how Jehbco can help you and to distinguish pure silicones from not, browse the website and Contact Us right here.

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Why Durometer Matters

Jehbco has spent over 45 years manufacturing products to suit different applications. Some of the industries that we supply include food processing, construction, transport, medical and defence are some of the key industries that often purchase silicone products for almost anything from tubing to the sealing high-rise facades.


Shore Durometer at Jehbco Silicones

Figure: Shore Durometer


Durometer is a unit of measurement when measuring the hardness of a given material, typically plastics, rubbers and polymers. Durometer (duro) is measured by using a Shore Durometer. A Shore Durometer will measure the indentation it causes into a material by a given force on a standardised pressure foot. Durometer is measured on a scale of 0 – 100, 0 being a material that is soft and is left a large indent, to 100, being a material that is hard and leaves no indent. Most of Jehbco’s silicones, have a hardness of 25 – 80 duro. 

Whether you are looking for hard or soft silicone one is not better than the other, it all comes down to the end use of a product.



If you would like to learn more about how durometer is an essential part of creating a product that perfectly suits an application please contact us here.

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